Eight Tips on Making Productivity Fun and Enjoyable

Today, I want to share eight exciting tips for making productivity fun and enjoyable, based on a video by Mikayla Mags published on her YouTube Channel.

Welcome to “How to be Productive 101 πŸ“ˆ study motivation | healthy life balance| reduce screen time,” where Mikayla shares tips on making productivity fun and enjoyable.

In this video, she emphasizes the importance of reducing screen time for improved productivity and discusses how productivity can improve the overall quality of life.

With her charming and humorous demeanour, Mikayla delves into her experiences as a full-time student and content creator, offering practical advice on eliminating distractions, establishing healthy habits, and finding productive work environments.

She also highlights the significance of self-care, fueling the body with energy-boosting foods, and making productivity enjoyable.

So, buckle up and get ready to make your life more productive in the most entertaining way possible with Mikayla Mags’ tips and tricks!

In this captivating video, Mikayla Mags presents a masterclass on productivity and self-care, providing viewers with valuable insights and strategies to apply productivity to daily life.

With a unique blend of wit and wisdom, Mikayla discusses eliminating social media distractions. She shares her experience of deleting social media for a day and its positive effects.

She also emphasises the significance of self-care and healthy habits, sharing her routines and strategies for staying productive.

From finding the perfect work environment to balancing work with relaxation and fun activities, Mikayla encourages viewers to stay motivated and disciplined to achieve their goals.

So, with Mikayla Mags’ insightful and humorous advice, you can boost your productivity while enjoying every step of the journey.

Benefits of Productivity

Before we discuss the tips for making productivity fun, let’s first briefly reflect on the benefits of productivity.

Being productive has many benefits that can improve your academic and personal lives. Let’s explore some of these benefits.

Increased efficiency

When you’re productive, you can complete tasks more efficiently and effectively. You can efficiently work through your to-do list by staying focused and organised.

This increased efficiency allows you to accomplish more in less time, tackle additional tasks, or have more free time.

Reduced stress

Productivity can help reduce stress and overwhelm. When you stay on top of your tasks and manage your time effectively, you’ll experience less last-minute cramming or rushing to meet deadlines.

This creates a sense of control and reduces stress levels, allowing you to approach your studies with a calmer and more focused mindset.

Improved time management

By implementing productivity strategies, you’ll naturally improve your time management skills.

You’ll become more adept at prioritising tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and managing your workload.

These skills will benefit your academic life and extend to other areas of your personal and professional life.

Sense of accomplishment

There is nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with being productive.

When you set goals, work towards them, and achieve them, you’ll experience a sense of pride and satisfaction.

This sense of accomplishment can propel you forward and motivate you to strive for success.

Enhanced overall quality of life

Ultimately, productivity can enhance your overall quality of life. It allows you to make the most of your time, achieve your goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

By staying on top of your responsibilities and progressing towards your ambitions, you’ll feel more fulfilled and content in all areas of your life.

TIP 1: Study Motivation Helps Making Productivity Fun

As a student, finding the motivation to study can sometimes be challenging. But fear not, for Mikayla shares some tips to help you stay motivated and focused on your academic goals.

The importance of setting goals is the foundation for making productivity fun

She acknowledges that setting clear goals is crucial to staying motivated.

Whether getting an A on your next exam or completing a challenging project, having tangible goals gives you something to strive for.

It’s like having a finish line to cross, and the satisfaction of achieving those goals will keep you motivated to study.

Creating a study schedule is essential factor for making productivity fun

A study schedule is a great way to stay organised and ensure you’re dedicating enough time to your studies. Creating a structured routine allows you to prioritize your tasks and manage your time effectively. She adds that checking off each study session on your schedule can give you great accomplishment.

Break down tasks into smaller goals

Sometimes, the prospect of a big project or a lengthy study session can feel overwhelming. That’s why breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable goals is essential. You’ll feel less overwhelmed and more motivated to keep going by tackling one small goal at a time.

Rewarding yourself boosts morale, making productivity fun

Remember to reward yourself along the way!

Treat yourself to something you enjoy after completing a challenging task or reaching a goal. It could be watching an episode of your favourite show, indulging in a sweet treat, or taking a well-deserved break.

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Celebrating your achievements will help keep your motivation high.

Finding your motivation for making productivity fun

Everyone has different sources of motivation. It could be a future career goal, the desire to make your loved ones proud, or simply the joy of learning. Find what motivates you and hold onto it. Remind yourself why you started studying in the first place, and let that drive you to keep going even when things get tough.

Tip 2: Healthy Life Balance is Critical for Making Productivity Fun

Maintaining a healthy life balance is crucial for overall well-being and productivity. Here are some tips to help you balance work and relaxation:

Establishing a routine

Having a routine can provide a sense of structure and stability. Try consistently waking up and going to bed, scheduling time for meals and breaks, and setting aside dedicated study hours. A routine can help you stay organised and prevent burnout.

Prioritising self-care activities

Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Prioritise activities that help you relax and recharge.

These could include taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, practising mindfulness, or indulging in a hobby you enjoy.

Taking care of your mental and physical well-being will improve your focus and productivity when studying.

Balancing work and relaxation ensures making productivity fun

It’s crucial to find a balance between work and relaxation. While studying is important, giving yourself time to unwind and recharge is equally vital.

Incorporate regular breaks into your study schedule, and ensure you have time each day to engage in activities that bring you joy.

Setting boundaries

Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Learn to say no to excessive work or study commitments that would overwhelm you.

Communicate your boundaries to others and ensure you have time for yourself and your critical activities.

Incorporating exercise is a prerequisite for making productivity fun

Exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It can boost your energy levels, improve focus, and reduce stress.

Find an exercise routine that works for you, whether going for a run, attending a fitness class, or simply taking a walk outside.

Make time for physical activity to keep your body and mind in shape.

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Tip 3: Reduce Screen Time

Mikayla reckons that screen time can significantly distract from studying in our modern digital age.

She has listed some strategies to help you reduce screen time and increase productivity.

Identifying time-wasting activities can help in making productivity fun

The first step in reducing screen time is identifying the activities eating up your time.

Look at how you spend your time online and determine which activities are productive and which ones are not.

These could include mindless scrolling on social media, excessive gaming, or watching endless videos on YouTube.

Setting screen time limits

Once you’ve identified the time-wasting activities, limit the time you spend on them. Use your device’s screen time tracking features to monitor and restrict your usage.

Set specific time limits for each activity and stick to them. This will help you avoid getting sucked into a digital black hole and instead focus on your studies.

Using productivity apps

There are countless productivity apps available that can help you stay focused and limit screen time.

These apps can block distracting websites, track your time, and provide reminders to take breaks. Experiment with different apps and find the ones that work best for you.

Designating tech-free zones

Create designated tech-free zones in your home or study space. These areas should be free from the temptation of screens and distractions.

Consider establishing your bedroom or a specific study area as a tech-free zone. This will help you create a mental boundary between work and relaxation.

Engaging in offline hobbies will contribute to making productivity fun

Instead of spending all your free time online, try to engage in offline hobbies and activities. Rediscover the joy of reading a physical book, practising a musical instrument, or walking in nature.

These offline activities can refresh your mind and provide a much-needed break from screens.

Tip 4: Eliminating Distractions Is Fertile Ground for Making Productivity Fun

Because distractions can hinder productivity and make it difficult to focus on your studies, Mikayla Mags recommends the following strategies to help you eliminate distractions and create a productive workspace:

Managing notifications

Notifications from your phone, computer, or social media platforms can be significant distractions. Turn off non-essential notifications or put your devices on silent mode while studying.

Create a dedicated study space to keep your phone out of sight and mind.

Creating a distraction-free workspace

A cluttered or chaotic workspace can also be distracting. Take the time to declutter and organise your study area. Remove any unnecessary or unrelated items.

Create a clean and organised space to focus on your work without any visual distractions.

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Using noise-cancelling headphones is critical for making productivity fun

If you’re studying in a noisy environment, noise-cancelling headphones can be a game-changer.

Invest in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones to block background noise and create a quiet space for concentration.

You can also listen to instrumental music or white noise to help further drown out distractions.

Implementing focus techniques

There are various techniques you can use to improve focus and eliminate distractions.

One popular technique is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break.

Another technique is the “Do Not Disturb” method, where you set aside a specific period for work or study and eliminate all distractions during that time.

Mindfulness practices

Practising mindfulness can help you stay present and focused. Before studying, meditate or practice deep breathing exercises for a few minutes.

Clear your mind of any distractions and set your intention to focus on your studies. Mindfulness can help you maintain concentration and reduce the impact of external distractions.

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Tip 5: Enhancing Self-Care for Productivity Is Perfect For Making Productivity Fun

Taking care of yourself is crucial for maintaining productivity. Here are some self-care practices that can help you stay motivated and focused.

Getting enough sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in your overall well-being and productivity.

Make sure you prioritise getting enough sleep each night to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your day.

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep to optimise your cognitive function and concentration.

Maintaining a balanced diet

Nutrition is critical to fueling your body and mind. Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods, which can lead to crashes in energy and a lack of focus.

Practicing stress-reducing techniques

Stress can hinder productivity, so it’s essential to have strategies to manage and reduce stress levels.

Incorporate stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling into your daily routine.

These practices can help calm your mind and improve your focus.

Taking regular breaks

Taking breaks is essential for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Schedule short breaks throughout your study sessions to rest and recharge.

Use this time to stretch, walk around, or engage in a quick relaxation activity. Taking regular breaks will help you maintain focus and prevent mental fatigue.

Engaging in hobbies and relaxation

Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Engaging in hobbies or leisure activities can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Find activities that recharge and inspire you, whether you read a book, play a musical instrument, or spend time in nature.

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Tip 6: Creating a Productive Environment

Your environment can have a significant impact on your productivity. Here are some tips Mikayla Mags shares for creating a productive workspace.

Organising your workspace

A cluttered and disorganised workspace can be distracting and hinder productivity. Declutter your desk and organise your materials.

Use folders, bins, or drawers to keep everything neat and easily accessible. A clean and organised workspace will help you focus and stay on task.

Optimising lighting and temperature

Lighting and temperature can significantly affect your ability to concentrate and stay productive. Make sure your workspace is well-lit with natural or adjustable lighting.

Avoid harsh fluorescent lighting that can cause eye strain.

Additionally, set the temperature to a comfortable level that allows you to focus without feeling too hot or cold.

Using productivity tools

Numerous productivity tools and apps help you stay organised and focused.

Consider using to-do lists, task management apps, or calendar apps to keep track of deadlines and assignments.

Experiment with different tools to find the ones that work best for your workflow.

Inspiring and motivating decor

Surround yourself with decor that inspires and motivates youβ€”post motivational quotes, pictures of loved ones, or visuals representing your goals.

Create a positive and uplifting atmosphere that encourages you to stay focused and motivated.

Minimising clutter

Clutter can be a significant distraction. Keep your workspace tidy by only keeping essential items within reach.

Remove any unnecessary clutter or items that do not contribute to your productivity.

A clear and clutter-free workspace will help you maintain focus and reduce mental distractions.

Tip 7: Fueling Your Body is the Foundation for Making Productivity Fun

Fueling your body with the right foods is essential for maintaining energy and focus throughout the day.

Here are some tips for fueling your body for productivity.

Eating energy-boosting foods should contribute to making productivity fun

Choose foods that provide sustained energy to keep you alert and focused.

Opt for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which release energy slowly and prevent crashes.

Include lean proteins and healthy fats to provide additional power and support brain function.

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Staying hydrated

Dehydration can negatively impact cognitive function and energy levels. To stay hydrated, drink enough water throughout the day.

Keep a water bottle by your side, and aim to drink at least eight glasses daily.

Avoiding excessive caffeine

While caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost, excessive consumption can lead to jitters, crashes, and sleep disturbances.

Limit caffeine intake and opt for healthier alternatives such as herbal tea or decaf.

Incorporating healthy snacks is good for making productivity fun

Snacking on healthy foods can help maintain your energy levels and prevent hunger-induced distractions.

Keep nutritious snacks like nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, or granola bars. Avoid sugary snacks and opt for options that provide sustained energy.

Balancing nutrition for sustained energy

Overall, aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients.

This will help provide sustained energy throughout the day and support your overall well-being.

Remember, a well-nourished body is more likely to function optimally and stay focused.

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Tip 8: Making Productivity Fun and Enjoyable

Productivity doesn’t have to be dull and monotonous. According to Mikayla Mags, here are some tips to make productivity enjoyable and create a positive work environment.

Setting goals aligned with passions will ensure making productivity fun

Find ways to align your goals with your passions and interests. When working towards something you’re genuinely excited about, productivity becomes enjoyable.

Find ways to make productivity more engaging and fulfilling, whether by pursuing a passionate subject or working on projects that align with your interests.

Finding joy in the process

Instead of solely focusing on the result, find joy in learning and growing. Embrace the challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement. By embracing the journey, you’ll find that productivity becomes more enjoyable and rewarding.

Celebrating small wins is part of making productivity fun

Recognise and celebrate your small wins along the way.

Whether you completed a difficult assignment, mastered a new concept, or stayed focused for a set amount of time, give yourself a pat on the back.

Celebrating small wins boosts motivation and makes the productivity process more enjoyable.

Creating a positive work environment is crucial for making productivity fun

Your work environment plays a significant role in your enjoyment of productivity. Surround yourself with positivity, and create a workspace that inspires and motivates you.

Use uplifting decor, play your favourite music, or incorporate natural elements such as plants or natural light.

By creating a positive work environment, you’ll find that productivity becomes more enjoyable.

Finding motivation through rewards can contribute to making productivity fun

Incorporate rewards into your productivity routine. Set milestones or goals, and reward yourself with something you enjoy when you achieve them.

It could be treating yourself to a favourite snack, taking a break to do a leisure activity, or indulging in something you’ve been wanting.

Rewards add an element of fun and motivation to the productivity process.


In conclusion, productivity is crucial to academic success and overall well-being.

Implementing strategies such as setting goals, creating a study schedule, reducing screen time, eliminating distractions, and practising self-care can enhance productivity and help you achieve your goals.

Remember to find joy, care for yourself, and create a positive work environment. So go forth, stay motivated, and strive for self-improvement.

Your productivity journey starts now!

And if you want to stay updated with my latest content, you can sign up for weekly updates on my Linktree here!

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George Mwika Kayange

George Mwika Kayange is an International Development Professional and Project Management Specialist with over 20 years of experience working with various national, regional, and international NGOs. He is also a Commonwealth PhD Scholar at Loughborough University, London.