Smart Ways of Harnessing Productivity Tools and Approaches

Being a Project Management Professional (PMP®) and an ardent advocate for productivity, I understand the importance of efficient time management, self-organization, and goal-setting. My days are meticulously planned, aligning my diverse roles as seamlessly as possible. Cutting-edge productivity tools are my allies, helping me stay on top of deadlines, tasks, and milestones across my different pursuits.

From steering projects as a project manager to delving into the intricacies of e-commerce, nonprofit management, international development, innovation, coaching, and creative writing, my life is a canvas painted with diverse hues of expertise.

In this blog post, I invite you to journey with me through the intricate pathways of my work philosophy. I will delve into how I harness productivity tools to achieve my goals while making a tangible impact in the realms that matter most.

As someone deeply rooted in project management and an ardent advocate for productivity, I fully comprehend the indispensable significance of effective time management, impeccable self-organization, and purposeful goal-setting. These pillars, along with a selection of cutting-edge productivity tools, constitute the foundation of my approach to work.

Time Management:

My days unfold like meticulously choreographed performances, with each minute orchestrated to accommodate the diverse roles I embrace. Whether I don the hat of a project manager, a coach, or a creative writer, I allocate dedicated time blocks to each facet of my responsibilities.

This strategic allocation prevents overlap, ensuring that every project is nurtured with the attention it rightfully deserves. This not only enhances the quality of my work but also ensures that no one overshadows me. Here are some of the time management tools and techniques I employ to supercharge my productivity and, of course, that of my team.

  1. Todoist: Todoist is a versatile task management tool that allows you to organize tasks into projects, set due dates, and prioritize. It helps you break down tasks into manageable steps and ensures nothing falls through the cracks. With its reminder features, you’ll never miss a deadline again.

  2. Trello: Trello uses a visual board and card system to help you track tasks and projects. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to collaborate with team members and see the progress of various tasks. This visual approach helps in quickly identifying bottlenecks and prioritizing tasks.

  3. Pomodoro Technique: This technique involves breaking your work into intervals (usually 25 minutes) followed by a short break. Tools like Focus Booster or Pomodone help implement this technique. It boosts productivity by keeping you focused during work intervals and providing regular breaks for relaxation.

  4. RescueTime: RescueTime tracks how you spend time on your devices and generates reports on your daily activities. By identifying time-wasting activities and areas of improvement, you can optimize your schedule for maximum productivity.

  5. Google Calendar: Google Calendar is a versatile tool for scheduling tasks, meetings, and events. It helps in effective time blocking, allowing you to allocate specific time slots for various tasks. It also integrates well with other Google apps.

  6. Notion: Notion is an all-in-one workspace that combines note-taking, task management, and collaboration features. Its flexibility allows you to create customized productivity workflows, making it suitable for both personal and professional use.

  7. Evernote: Evernote is a note-taking app that lets you capture and organize ideas, documents, and web clippings. By having a centralized repository for your notes, you can quickly retrieve information and streamline your work processes.

  8. Asana: Asana is a project management tool that helps teams organize tasks, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and track progress. It facilitates collaboration, reduces duplication of efforts, and ensures everyone is on the same page.

  9. Microsoft Outlook: Outlook offers email, calendar, and task management functionalities. It lets you organise emails, schedule meetings, and create to-do lists. Its integration with other Microsoft Office tools enhances productivity by providing a unified workspace.

  10. Focus@Will: Focus@Will is a music platform that provides scientifically designed music tracks to enhance focus and concentration. Creating an optimal environment for deep work helps reduce distractions and increase productivity.

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Each tool empowers you to manage your time more effectively, reduce overwhelm, and focus on tasks that truly matter. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you can streamline your tasks, stay organized, and ultimately achieve more in less time.


A well-ordered environment is my creative oasis. With an innate affinity for structure, I precisely categorise tasks, prioritizing them according to their significance and urgency. Whether it’s managing a complex project, guiding individuals toward their productivity goals, or penning captivating tales, I’ve cultivated a system that ensures efficiency in execution. Each task finds its designated place, accessible at the click of a button. This organization liberates my mind, allowing me to channel my focus and energy into the task.


At the heart of every endeavour lies a well-defined goal, serving as a guiding North Star. I approach each undertaking with meticulous planning, breaking down ambitious goals into achievable milestones. This structured approach enables me to monitor progress and measure success. Whether I’m orchestrating a project phase, weaving words into captivating narratives, or achieving specific business metrics, my goals are like compass points, directing my efforts with unwavering precision.

George Mwika Kayange

George Mwika Kayange is an International Development Professional and Project Management Specialist with over 20 years of experience working with various national, regional, and international NGOs. He is also a Commonwealth PhD Scholar at Loughborough University, London.