Nate’s Experiences on Remaining Productive 99% of The Day

Nate O’Brien, a well-established entrepreneur who operates a series of YouTube channels with over 3 million combined subscribers, produced an exciting video sharing his experience ofremaining productive 99% of the day. If you are a productivity enthusiast like me, you should definitely find this video highly insightful.

In the video, he shares his tactics for remaining productive and accomplishing more daily than most people can in a week. The secret, according to Nate, is to minimise rather than organise. By minimising distractions and reducing the number of tasks on your plate, productivity can skyrocket, leaving more time for leisure activities.

Prioritising important tasks and reducing clutter and distractions can increase productivity. Nate emphasises the importance of minimising small tasks that consume valuable time and make it difficult for people to contact you to maintain focus. He recommends using an egg timer to stay focused on a task and tackling the most challenging task first thing in the morning.

Nate also suggests batching meetings to specific days and utilising tools like pen and paper or the Notion app to stay organised.

In this vein, you will also discover the power of Notion’s all-in-one platform! Whether you need task management, document storage, or real-time collaboration, Notion has it all. Get started with Notion (affiliate link) and transform how you manage time, tasks, meetings, or projects in general.

Adopting the Mindset of ‘Less is More’ Helps in Remaining Productive

How I Stay Productive 99% of The Day

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Minimising tasks and distractions

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with never-ending to-do lists and constant distractions.

However, the key to remaining productive isn’t about organising every aspect of your life but minimising tasks and distractions. Instead of trying to do it all, adopt the mindset that ‘less is more’ and focus on what truly matters.

Having said that, let’s explore some strategies for minimising distractions and reducing the number of tasks on your mind.

Making it difficult for people to contact you helps you stay productive

Nate advises that one way to minimise distractions is to make it difficult for people to contact you.

Setting boundaries is crucial in a world constantly bombarded with notifications and interruptions.

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He suggests putting your phone in aeroplane mode or turning off notifications when you need to focus.

Don’t be afraid to refuse unnecessary requests for your time and attention. By reducing external interruptions, you can create a more conducive environment for productivity.

The use of an egg timer is vital in remaining productive and focused

Distractions can quickly derail our productivity, causing us to lose valuable time.

Nate observes that one effective way of addressing this challenge is to use the humble egg timer (affiliate link)—a simple yet effective tool for remaining focused on a task. Set the timer for a specific duration, such as 55 minutes, and commit to working solely on the task.

During this time, resist the temptation to check your phone or engage in other non-work-related activities.

The ticking sound of the timer serves as a gentle reminder to stay on track and maintain productivity. Once the timer goes off, take a short break before diving back into the next task.

Tackle the most challenging task first thing in the morning (Eat the Frog)

We all have those tasks we dread—the ones we put off until the last minute. However, tackling the most challenging task in the morning can be a game-changer.

It’s known as “eating the frog,” a term that may sound strange but is actually wise.

By immediately addressing the most challenging and daunting task, Nate sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. Plus, once it’s done, he’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that can motivate him to tackle the remaining tasks more efficiently. 

Batching meetings for a more organised schedule

Schedule specific days for meetings

Having a chaotic meeting schedule can disrupt your workflow and create unnecessary stress. To combat this, Nate tends to batch his meetings on specific days.

He creates a more organised and predictable schedule by dedicating one or two days each week solely to meetings.

This approach allows him to have uninterrupted blocks of time on the remaining days, enabling you to focus on essential tasks without constant interruptions.

Remember, simplicity and structure can go a long way towards maximising productivity. 

See also  Stay Productive 98% Daily: Sebastian's Mind-Blowing Lessons

How I Stay Productive 99% of The Day

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Writing down tasks and utilising organisational tools

Use pen and paper to prioritise tasks

Returning to the basics can occasionally be surprisingly effective in an era where digital tools and apps rule.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper, and write down three primary tasks for the day.

These are the most critical and challenging tasks that must be completed.

Nate argues that by condensing your to-do list to just three essential items, you reduce overwhelm and ensure that you focus on what truly matters.

Additionally, write down three secondary tasks that can be tackled if you have extra time or energy after completing the primary ones.

Keeping it simple and manageable is the name of the game.

Utilise a tool like Notion for remaining productive

While pen and paper can be great for quick lists and prioritisation, Nate reckons that sometimes we need a more comprehensive organisational tool.

He explicitly recommends explicitly Notion (affiliate link), a tool that can help streamline your thoughts, ideas, and tasks.

With its customisable interface, you can create databases, to-do lists, and project boards to keep everything in one place. Notion allows for collaboration and seamless integration of different aspects of your life, making it a valuable tool for remaining organised and productive.

But even if you were uncomfortable with Notion for some reason, you can still try many similar tools to find the best organisational tool for you and embrace its features to simplify your workflow.

Personally, I’m yet to find one on the market that comes near Notion in terms of the all-encompassing features the latter offers.

Discover the power of Notion’s all-in-one platform! Whether you need task management, document storage, or real-time collaboration, Notion has it all. Get started with Notion (affiliate link) and transform how you manage time, tasks, meetings, or projects in general.

  How I Stay Productive 99% of The Day

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Leaving buffer periods in your schedule

Accounting for unexpected tasks and interruptions

No matter how meticulously you plan your day, unexpected tasks and interruptions are inevitable. That’s why Nate advises leaving buffer periods in your schedule is crucial.

See also  How Task Batching Boosts Your Efficiency Faster

These buffer periods act as safety nets, allowing you to handle unforeseen circumstances without derailing your entire day.

Whether it’s an urgent email, a sudden request from a colleague, or a technical glitch that needs troubleshooting, having the flexibility to accommodate these disruptions ensures that you can continue with minimal interruptions.

Embrace the unpredictable nature of life and build resilience into your schedule. 

How I Stay Productive 99% of The Day

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The benefits of remaining productive

More free time for leisure activities

So, in conclusion, while productivity might seem synonymous with endless work and no play, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Remaining productive allows us to create more free time for leisure activities. We can accomplish more in less time by minimising distractions, reducing unnecessary tasks, and optimising our workflow.

This efficiency gives us ample opportunities to pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, or relax and recharge.

Ultimately, productivity isn’t just about getting things done—it’s about achieving a harmonious balance between work and leisure.

Embracing Nate’s ‘less is more’ mindset and incorporating strategies to minimise tasks and distractions can significantly enhance our productivity.

We can optimise our output by making it difficult for others to contact us, using tools like egg timers, and prioritising challenging tasks.

Batching tasks and meetings, utilising organisational tools, and leaving buffer periods in our schedules further contribute to a streamlined workflow.

In the end, productivity gives us more free time to do what we genuinely enjoy. So embrace simplicity and maximise your productivity to thrive in this fast-paced world.


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George Mwika Kayange

George Mwika Kayange is an International Development Professional and Project Management Specialist with over 20 years of experience working with various national, regional, and international NGOs. He is also a Commonwealth PhD Scholar at Loughborough University, London.