Welcome to My Productivity Blog!

Hello, world, and welcome to my productivity blog! My name is George. Thank you for visiting my website.

This is the blog section of my official personal website. As you might have probably read my welcoming message on the homepage—or just in case you landed directly on this article—I am a doctoral scholar at Loughborough University, London Campus.

Besides school, I’m also involved in a number of things, including managing some e-commerce businesses for my clients and myself. I also support several nonprofit organisations in becoming productive organisations and optimising their impact in their communities, while also serving on the boards of some of them. Most importantly, I am also a certified project management specialist.

In other words, as most of you would agree, it is not easy to be involved with several responsibilities and still achieve the goals of everything, especially if you consider that, as a father and a husband, I also have a family—not only close friends—to attend to!

In the end, I have often found myself in a delicate situation in which I must trade off some of the things I am passionate about in life to ensure that I remain effective in everything I do. Balancing and juggling the demands of my professional work, school/career, and personal life has proven to be one of the hardest things to do.

For this reason, I began to research how else I could become more productive without discarding some of the work I am super passionate about. Fortunately, I discovered that there were more resources out there about productivity than I would have imagined. Interestingly, some such resources are, in fact, very much linked to the project management discipline itself.

While some of the productivity concepts are not new, such as time management, stress management, self-discipline, creativity (innovation), and many more, applying those concepts has been a challenge.

So, in this blog section of my website, I will not only reiterate what others have said or written about productivity but also share practical examples and my personal experiences of how I have successfully used the same concepts to boost my productivity without necessarily having to completely shed off some of the work I am passionate about.

See also  My Six Tips and Secrets on Planning Your Day for Success

I will also share some of the innovations (mostly digital technology innovations such as apps) that I have consistently used to help me achieve more efficiency and results than I would typically without them.

In addition to this blog, I have created a YouTube channel that you can subscribe to. On it, you can watch me discuss various topics related to productivity and innovation.

George Mwika Kayange

George Mwika Kayange is an International Development Professional and Project Management Specialist with over 20 years of experience working with various national, regional, and international NGOs. He is also a Commonwealth PhD Scholar at Loughborough University, London.