Stay Productive 98% Daily: Sebastian’s Mind-Blowing Lessons

Hey there! I recently stumbled upon this video by Sebastian Ghiorghiu, in which he articulates his strategies to stay productive 98% of the time, daily.

And let me tell you, the lessons will blow your mind!

Now, Sebastian isn’t just your average Joe; he runs a seven-figure agency, is a full-time YouTuber, and is even building a luxurious home in Scottsdale.

Talk about a busy guy! But don’t worry; he’s got some tips to share that might revolutionise your productivity game.

Sebastian covers everything from focusing on physical health to managing dopamine levels, establishing a morning routine, and utilising software and technology.

Trust me, if you’re struggling with procrastination or motivation, this video might be just what you need. Who wouldn’t want to be productive 98% of the time?

So buckle up, because Sebastian is about to unleash some knowledge bombs that could seriously change your approach to productivity.

How I stay productive 98% of every day.

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The Role of Physical Health in Helping You Stay Productive 98% of the Time

The importance of sleep

Ah, sleep—the holy grail of productivity. As someone who runs a seven-figure agency, manages an entire YouTube channel, and has built a luxurious custom home, Sebastian reveals that everything else falls apart without enough sleep.

Sleep is the foundation of physical health, and a springboard to stay productive 98% of the time. It’s like the fuses that keep the lights on in your brain and body.

He does not swear by waking up at precisely 5:00 a.m. every morning or adhering to a strict bedtime routine. But he knows that getting enough sleep is crucial. Most humans need between six and eight hours of sleep, so figure out what works best for you and stick to it consistently.

But it’s not just about quantity; quality matters, too. He encourages us to keep our bedrooms dark and cool to create a sleep-friendly environment. Avoid food and water right before bed; the last thing you want is a midnight bathroom break.

And for the love of productivity, avoid artificial light. Try using candles instead—they create a soothing ambience that won’t keep you up like those pesky LED screens.

Eating whole foods

In the world of productivity, food plays a significant role. You are what you eat, they say, and I believe them.

Sebastian says fueling your body with the right foods is essential to keeping your energy levels consistent throughout the day. By that, he means whole foods that are not processed and have just one ingredient.

Think eggs, meats, potatoes, vegetables, chicken, beef—the good stuff. About 90 to 95% of his entire diet consists of single-ingredient foods. And the difference it makes is mind-blowing. He claims he has more energy, is sharper, remembers better, and can make decisions without burning out.

I agree with Sebastian. I know it’s tempting to reach for those processed foods or indulge in sugary treats, but trust me, they’re productivity killers. They mess with your brain and slow you down.

So, if you want to be at the top of your game, ditch the junk and stick to whole foods. Your productivity (and your waistline) will thank you.

Regular exercise helps you stay productive 98% of the time

Let’s talk about the third pillar of physical health—exercise. Now, hear Sebastian before you roll your eyes and run to the nearest couch. He is not saying you have to become a fitness fanatic. But regular exercise does wonders for your physical and mental well-being and, you guessed it, your productivity.

Exercise boosts energy levels, clears the mind, and stimulates creative juices. It also helps you stay focused and ward off those pesky distractions.

The best part? You don’t need to be a gym rat or spend hours on a treadmill. Find activities you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, or playing a sport, and incorporate them into your routine.

So, take a break from the screen, move your body, and watch your productivity soar.

Plus, think of all the stress relief exercise provides—fewer meltdowns means more time for tasks that actually matter. Win-win!

Having Purpose and Drive To Stay Productive 98% of the Time

The explicit goal and purpose

Purpose is the secret ingredient that fuels motivation and powers through procrastination. Sebastian argues that to stay productive 98% of the time, you need to have a clear goal in mind. Ask yourself, “Why am I trying to be productive?” Are you chasing after a Lamborghini? Well, that’s great, but we need to dig deeper.

Your goal should mean something to you—something more than just material possessions. It could be about your family, your desire to make a difference, or your dream of reforming the education system. Whatever it is, make it personal, make it meaningful, and make it your driving force.

Having a purpose gives you a sense of direction. It helps you answer the “Why?” question when things get tough.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling to work or lacking motivation, ask yourself why you’re doing it in the first place. Find your purpose, and watch how your productivity skyrockets.

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Motivation to stay productive 98% of the time

Motivation is the elusive force that seems to slip through our fingers when we need it the most. Of course, we’ve all been there. But Sebastian has a little secret: motivation isn’t something you find; it’s something you create. And you do it by taking action.

Procrastination is a productivity killer, and motivation is its antidote. The more you take action, the more motivated you become. It’s a beautiful cycle that feeds on itself.

So, when you’re feeling stuck, start with small tasks—something achievable that will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Sebastian says another tip for staying motivated is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Find a community or accountability partner who shares your goals and can cheer you on.

Don’t underestimate the power of accountability. Again, if all else fails, remind yourself of your purpose and why you started in the first place.

Managing Dopamine Levels

Reducing unhealthy sources of dopamine can help you stay productive 98% of the time

Dopamine is the chemical messenger that pleases us and makes us human. But here’s the thing: we live in a world that bombards us with dopamine at every turn. From addictive video games to sugary snacks, it’s everywhere.

While dopamine in moderation is excellent, too much can hinder our productivity.

That’s why Sebastian contends that reducing unhealthy dopamine sources is crucial. It’s like a dopamine detox to reset your brain and regain control over your focus.

So, put down that controller, step away from the candy aisle, and resist binge-watching those cat videos.

Avoiding video games will make you stay productive 98% of the time

If you want to stay productive, it’s time to break up with your video games—or at least limit your time with them.

Video games are notorious for hijacking our dopamine systems and keeping us hooked. They’re designed to be addictive, and they can suck us into a time-sucking vortex.

Now, Sebastian is not saying you must quit gaming altogether (unless that’s what works for you). But set boundaries and stick to them.

Treat gaming as a reward for accomplishing your tasks, not a constant source of distraction.

Avoiding sugary foods or drinks makes you stay productive 98% of the time

Ah, the sweet temptation of sugary treats. They’re delicious; no one can deny that.

But when it comes to productivity, they can be a real buzzkill. Sugary foods and drinks provide a quick dopamine rush, but they also lead to crashes and brain fog—two productivity killers you want to avoid like the plague.

Instead, Sebastian advises us to opt for healthier alternatives that give us sustained energy throughout the day. Reach for fruits, nuts, and whole grains to keep your brain firing on all cylinders.

Don’t let that sugar rush derail your productivity train.

Avoiding pornography stay productive 98% of the time

Most people will perceive this one as a bit taboo to talk about, but Sebastian insists that we must address the elephant in the room—pornography. Sure, it may provide a temporary dopamine rush, but in the long run, it can harm your focus and overall productivity.

Excessive pornography consumption can lead to desensitisation and diminished motivation. It’s like pouring water on the fire of productivity.

So, to stay on top of your game, turn off the explicit content and redirect your energy towards more productive endeavours.

Limiting social media use

Social media is the black hole of productivity. It’s so easy to get lost in the scroll, the likes, and the comments.

But Sebastian argues that excessive social media use is among the sneakiest productivity thieves.

So here’s his advice: set boundaries. Limit your social media use to specific times of the day or allocate a certain amount of time for it. Turn off those notifications that constantly pull you in and take you away from your tasks.

Your productivity will thank you, and your followers can wait a little longer for that witty comment.

Establishing a Morning Routine

Benefits of a morning routine

Mornings are the magical time of day when anything is possible. Having a morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. It’s like a warm-up before a workout or stretching before a run.

Morning routines prepare your mind and body for the challenges ahead and increase your chances of a productive day.

Sebastian lists a few benefits of a morning routine.

For instance, it helps you establish structure and control over your day. Automating repetitive tasks reduces decision fatigue. It also creates positive momentum that carries you through the rest of the day.

Creating a consistent schedule

Sebastian notes and emphasises that consistency is the magical ingredient that turns an ordinary morning routine into a productivity powerhouse. When you establish a consistent schedule, your body and mind adapt to it, making slipping into a productive state easier.

So, wake up consistently daily, give or take a few hours. Our bodies love routine, which helps regulate our internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at the desired times.

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While it’s tempting to hit the snooze button, resist the urge. Start your day with intention and purpose—the early bird gets the productivity worm!

Prioritising important tasks in the morning

Sebastian recommends tackling critical tasks that require focus and concentration when one’s mind is still fresh, and distractions are still asleep. This will help one stay productive 98% of the day.

You can make significant progress on your most critical projects with a clear mind and fewer distractions.

So, resist the urge to dive into your overflowing inbox or get lost in social media’s black hole. Instead, prioritise tasks that move the needle and align with your goals.

Get that creative work done. Save the mundane, less important tasks for later when your energy levels might dip.

How I stay productive 98% of every day.

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Creating a Conducive Environment to Stay Productive 98% of the Time

Organising workspace

The workspace reflects your inner productivity. Keeping it organised and clutter-free is crucial for maintaining focus and staying on task(s).

When your environment is organised, your mind can better focus on the work.

So, Sebastian recommends you take the time to declutter your workspace, get rid of unnecessary papers, empty coffee cups, and that stack of unread books, and use storage solutions and desk organisers to keep your essentials within reach and your space visually pleasing.

A clean and tidy workspace can do wonders for your productivity.

Eliminating distractions

Distractions are mischievous creatures that lure us away from our tasks. In today’s digital world, distractions are everywhere, from social media notifications to co-workers popping in for a chat. But fear not—my productivity-seeking friend Sebastian suggests practical ways to tame these distractions and reclaim your focus.

Start by identifying your main distractions and finding ways to mitigate them. Turn off notifications, set boundaries with co-workers, and establish dedicated blocks of uninterrupted work time. Use productivity tools that block distracting websites or limit access during crucial work hours.

Remember, distractions are productivity thieves in disguise. Show them who’s boss and eliminate them from your life—I promise you’ll thank Sebastian later.

Decorating for inspiration

Inspiration is the secret sauce that keeps the creative juices flowing. Your environment plays a significant role in fostering inspiration and boosting productivity. So why not create a space that sparks joy and fuels your creative fire?

Here is Sebastian’s proposition: Add some personal touches to your workspace—inspiring quotes, artwork, or plants. Surround yourself with things that bring you joy and motivate you. Keep a vision board or a notebook with your goals and dreams nearby. These simple additions can make a difference in creating an environment that supports productivity and creativity.

Utilising Software and Technology

Benefits of using software

Technology is the double-edged sword of productivity. While it can be a distraction, it also has the power to enhance our productivity and streamline our workflows. The key is to choose the right software and use it to your advantage.

Software can automate repetitive tasks, keep you organised, and help you collaborate with others more efficiently. With the right tools, you can save valuable time and energy, allowing you to focus on high-value tasks.

But beware, my friend. Sebastian cautions against becoming overwhelmed by the vast sea of software options. Start with a few trustworthy ones and master them before diving into the deep end.

Remember, it’s about using software to enhance productivity, not drowning in a sea of productivity apps.

Recommended software (WhatsApp, Gmail, Notion) to Stay Productive 98% of the Time

Let’s share a few software recommendations that helped Sebastian conquer the productivity game. First up, we have WhatsApp. This messaging app has become an essential part of Sebastian’s communication arsenal. It allows him to stay connected with his team, clients, and friends—all in one place.

Next, we have Gmail—an oldie but a goodie. As the backbone of his email communication, Gmail keeps him organised and on top of my digital correspondence. Its powerful search capabilities and intuitive interface make it a productivity powerhouse.

Last but certainly not least, the star of the show is Notion. Oh, how Sebastian loves Notion! This versatile CRM tool has revolutionised how he manages his personal and professional life.

From tracking video ideas and scripts to managing video production and team collaboration for his agency, Notion does it all. It’s like having a personal assistant who never sleeps.

But don’t just take his word for it. Try these software recommendations and see how they can enhance your productivity journey.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and mastering software takes time. But the rewards are well worth the effort.

How I stay productive 98% of every day.

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Notion as a Versatile CRM Tool

Managing personal and professional life

Notion is the Swiss Army knife of productivity. This versatile CRM tool has become a lifeline for managing Sebastian’s personal and professional life. From organising his schedule and to-do lists to tracking personal projects and goals, Notion keeps it all neat.

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With Notion, Sebastian can create databases, design custom workflows, and collaborate seamlessly with his team. It’s like having a personal assistant, project manager, and cheerleader all in one place. And the best part? It’s highly customisable, allowing you to tailor it to your unique needs and preferences.

Keeping track of video ideas and scripts

As a YouTuber, video ideas are the bread and butter of Sebastian’s content creation process. With Notion, he can capture and turn those elusive ideas into actionable projects. He can create a video database, tag ideas with relevant topics, and keep track of progress—all within a few clicks.

And let’s not forget about scripts. With Notion, he can quickly write, edit, and collaborate on scripts with his team. With his team, they can leave comments, suggest changes, and organise everything in one central location. It’s like a virtual writer’s room that helps us stay on target and create high-quality content.

Managing video and team management for the agency

But Notion isn’t just for personal projects—it’s also a productivity powerhouse for managing Sebastian’s agency. He can create a database of clients, track project progress, and assign tasks to team members. It keeps everyone on the same page and eliminates the need for endless email chains and status update meetings.

And let’s not forget about the power of templates. Notion’s template library is a goldmine for productivity enthusiasts. It provides pre-designed setups for everything from goal tracking to project management. It’s like having a head start on productivity—plug in your specific details, and you’re ready to go.

Notion is a versatile CRM tool that brings order to the chaos of everyday life. It’s Sebastian’s productivity partner in crime; he can’t imagine life without it.

Appreciation for Notion

Positive impact on life

Notion has positively impacted Sebastian’s life in ways he never thought were possible. It has brought order to the chaos, increased his productivity, and transformed how he works and lives.

With Notion, he has a clear overview of his personal and professional goals. He can easily track progress, adjust priorities, and focus on what matters most. It’s like having a personal coach cheering him on and helping him reach his full potential.

Try Notion for free: (affiliate link), and stay productive 98% of the time.

Encouragement to check out Notion

So, based on Sebastian’s testimony, I strongly encourage you to check out Notion. Explore its features, experiment with templates, and make it your own. Give it a chance to transform your productivity game and unlock your full potential.

Remember, productivity isn’t about working harder or longer—it’s about working smarter.

And with Notion by your side, you’ll have the tools and support needed to thrive in this fast-paced world.

How I stay productive 98% of every day.

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So there you have it, my friends—Sebastian’s tips for staying productive 98% of every day. From focusing on physical health to establishing a morning routine and utilising software, these strategies have transformed his life and allowed him to thrive in a fast-paced world.

Remember, productivity isn’t about being perfect or adhering to rigid schedules. It’s about finding what works for you, developing healthy habits, and staying true to your purpose.

With a bit of dedication and the right tools—like Notion—you, too, can achieve exceptional productivity levels.

Thank you for joining me on this productivity journey. I appreciate your support and hope that reviewing Sebastian’s video has been helpful to you.

Now, like Sebastian, go out, conquer your goals, and make the most of your 98% productive days.

Much more goes into this; however, applying these simple tips will account for 80-90% of the effects. I hope you all enjoyed this review!

Recommended Books for Further Inspiration

These books offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help you enhance your productivity.

  1. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” by Stephen Covey. Purchase Link
  2. “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport. Purchase Link
  3. “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen. Purchase Link
  4. “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown. Purchase Link
  5. “How to be a Productivity Ninja: Worry Less, Achieve More and Love What You Do” by Graham Allcott. Purchase Link
  6. “Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time” by Jeff Sutherland. Purchase Link

These books are valuable resources for anyone seeking to enhance their productivity, time management skills, and overall personal effectiveness.

Whether you read them or listen to them in audiobook format, they offer valuable insights and practical strategies to support your journey towards ultimate productivity.


This article contains affiliate links. I’ll receive a small commission if you click on one of the product links. However, knowing that the affiliate relationship does not influence my opinion is essential. I would never endorse programmes, products, or services I haven’t used or feel familiar with. Using my links to support me enables me to continue contributing more to this productivity topic. I sincerely thank you for your support.

George Mwika Kayange

George Mwika Kayange is an International Development Professional and Project Management Specialist with over 20 years of experience working with various national, regional, and international NGOs. He is also a Commonwealth PhD Scholar at Loughborough University, London.